Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010


Well, we made it. Team 1 had an interesting day. Jim was surprised at how far watered down paint can fly when you try to mix it with an electric mixer. A little cleanup and they were back on track. Team One did great work this week. The efforts they put forth were nothing short of astonishing. Be proud of them as we certainly are.

Team two yesterday, purchased a tyrannosaurus Rex stuffed animal that roars and it's eyes flash. It is about 2 1/2 feet tall. We, meaning Sean, James, Nathan and Ron purchased it at a Dollar General store. The sales person wouldn't sell it to us initially because there was no price code on it. I talked her into calling her manager at home and asking about selling it which he agreed upon for $8.00. All for Linda Biddle. You see, back in the day when Linda, Bill Everman and I were youth leaders at another church for at least 15 years, one of the high school kids was teasing her about her age. One thing led to another and the jokes kept flying. It ended up that another youth decided Linda was living during dinosaur times and began to call her T-Rex. Someone purchased a plastic 6" T-Rex and it went with us to every youth event, including retreats, missions trips, etc....Well it is only fitting the tradition so to speak should continue with a different group of kids. And so now we have a new T-Rex in honor of Linda. T-Rex travels to the job site with us, helps supervise the various projects, and hangs out with the kids. Linda is a great sport and the kids I have known for the past 20 years in youth ministry love her. I have never met a youth, Jr. High or Sr. High that did not love Linda Biddle. When she retired from youth work a few years ago it left a void in the youth ministry industry and Mt. Hope UMC. Linda was honored at the National Youth Convention held in Atlanta for her many years of devoted ministry to countless young people. Thank her when you see her, hug her for her commitment to your kids, and pray that maybe someday she will help us at at CLPC ROC. She is the best!

Today for Team Two it was crunch time. We had a bathroom, a ginormous walk-in closet, a bedroom and a living room to try and finish. The efforts were heroic but unfortunately we were unable to totally complete the rooms due to running out of primer. The home owners were pleased with the work that had been done during the week. The kid's efforts were amazing and we should be proud of them. To show their appreciation, the home owners made us a traditional Nee Orleans meal. Jambalaya, fried catfish, an awesome salad and rolls. It was a fantastic meal. The kids and one supposed "adult" leader threw the Nerf football around. After lunch we worked a little more on the rooms, packed it up and headed back to Camp Restore. But not before Mark became "that guy" again. While washing down the walls after sanding spackle I accidentally hit the exposed, live outlet with my wet sponge. A few sparks later the breaker blew and of course everyone came to chekout the event.

More to come and pics. We have to go check out the 9th Ward where the levies broke during Hurricane Katrina.

Thursday, April 1, 2010



Team 1:

Brianna and Alex were regaling the work site singing all day.

Cracked plaster walls that needed to fixed

Lisa, Erin and Martha, visited a homeowner who was helped by SRE two years ago. The homeowner is still waiting to move into her house after Katrina.

Taylor danced and sang all day entertaining the team.

John spent the day on a ladder fixing ceilings while Lisa and Beth gophered for him

Molly mudded all day on walls.

Kids napped in the sun like lazy alligators.